Saturday, December 17, 2005


At mom's death in 1998, my sister & I found a shoe box full of old, unidentified photos. We did recognize some of our relatives; but, for the most part, we didn't know the persons pictures.
Intrigued by these photographs, I showed them around but relatives could still not identify many of the people. That being the case, I decided to create some albums on Webshots
uploading the identified & unidentified photos.
Much to my delight, previously unknown relatives began getting in touch with me saying we shared the same gr.grandparents, etc.
Since then, I've uploaded 2,062 pictures to our albums and have had more than 366,667 viewers to date, most of whom are in search of their French-Canadian ancestors.
It is a delight to meet so many relatives as well as Franco-Americans with whom I share a common background, commong ancestry, that of QUÉBEC.
You're all most welcome to visit our Webshots site:
and freely download the pictures that are of interest to you. Of course, we'd also be delighted to hear from you. Just click one of the albums & leave a message in the GUESTBOOK, & I'll get back to you.

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